Rick Lundh thinks you’re a moron if you don’t enjoy Marc Adamus images!

From MarcAdamusLIES.com:

MountainTrailPhoto Blog, finding yourself in photography

Check out the last comment; it’s by perennial Marc Adamus THUG/MORON Rick Lundh, a “man” (LOSER would probably be slightly more appropriate) whose forum connections have played a key part in promoting Marc Adamus to everyone with a Canon Powershot or Rebel:

It’s ironic that Rick Lundh talks about “sucking up” being inappropriate. He sucks up to Marc every chance he gets, like, for instance, this little episode. Never mind that art is entirely subjective. It is entirely inappropriate for Rick Lundh to assume (and shoot off his mouth), calling everyone who doesn’t “appreciate” Marc’s “talent” a moron. Here’s a Ken Rockwell link regarding art:

Kenrockwell.com, Seven levels of Photographers

The rest of Ken’s article is definitely worth reading. Many of Marc’s MORON/THUG pals will recognize themselves as belonging exclusively to the bottom two groups. No surprise there!

So the next time you think Rick Lundh’s a decent person (or even human, possibly), remember his contemptuous disregard for your right to like whatever photography you like. This is what we’ve been saying all along about the THUGS & MORONS. Their CULT has decided that Marc is THE ONE, and they are will not tolerate ANY dissent. Slowly, their veneer of civility is worn down. The ugly words have come out. Next, the “nerf bats” and knives will come out. We told you so!

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